Our Blog

Goodness its June already! 

Hi gang,

Cooee from the sunny southeast of Ireland!  For those that dont track us on socials, we have been busy  to-ing and fro-ing. Tours in Jan in Australia and March in UK went really well.  Wales, Scotland and a week in Yorkshire was great, new friends and old!

April saw us in Germany playing CRN- ‘One More Song’ in Ennepetal along with The Electrics who have a new album out and are having an official launch gig in Scotland in November.  May brought Phil Madeira and a lovely group of songwriters to Gorey…

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Christmas Holler from Down Under 

Well…what a year!  We decided for the first chunk of 2023 we would stay home and offer our house as a place of healing and rest.  Initially we had no idea how that would go, but the diary soon filled up with friends and family coMing from the USA, England and Scotland.  It was our turn to cook, listen, drive and be travel hosts for a short season and we loved every moment of it.

We did hit the road a little bit in Germany and Switzerland with a wonderful two week tour playing creative and beautiful…

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From Switzerland to Germany now Scotland. 

 Our time since the Thai trip flew by!  Culture Night at The Bear Cave Live (the best intimate listening venue in northern Co. Wexford) was a great way to beat jet lag and our first full length gig in our stomping ground. Thanks to Wexford Arts Council, Love Gorey and Dan and Alba at Hungry Bear.

A huge thank you to all who came and supported our Swiss-German tour, first gigs there since 2019 and such a great turn out, not to mention standing room only at Belinda Diskotek for our last  German concert. We are…

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Sawat dee kha from Thailand. 

It's good to be back in Thailand after way too long. Our Trade-Off Electrical Training Course started Tuesday 5th Sep. We delayed a day due to greatly increased difficulty getting 5 here across Myanmar. There was rejoicing once they were safely this side of the border. These 15 students are learning well and all that is left now is their practical project tomorrow where they will get to prove they can apply learnt principals in the real. Huge thanks to all who have participated in this event. The funds for…

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Latest News from the Irish Coast 

Well,  2023 has been a different kind of year for us. 

 After fairly big UK and USA tours in ’22 we certainly felt the need to readdress how we do things.   Figuring out a way to tour that is less time consuming but still doable is a challenge. We had the added issue that Sammy’s eye condition had returned, (the right eye was bleeding again as treatments were postponed for 11 weeks because of the USA tour.) 

 With this in mind, and some other medical tests/issues coming along we decided that 2023 needed to be…

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